Our Project – ACCT for Change!

Anti-racism and Civic Courage Training (ACCT) is a transnational project focusing on the decrease of discrimination, including multi-dimensional discrimination and racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance. The partners also aim at combating discrimination, hate crime & hate speech across the EU.

On January 25 and 26 2023, partners from Berlin, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Álora, Sofia and Bratnik cametogether in Berlin for the kick- off meeting of ACCT.

During this meeting, the consortium had the opportunity to get to know each other better and set the priorities of action for the project life, next 24 months. ACCT envisions to prevent as well as fight intolerance, racism, xenophobia and discrimination expressed in the forms of antisemitism, anti-Muslim hatred, anti-roma discrimination and other forms of prejudice in rural communities across the EU.

To achieve this, ACCT unites people from diverse backgrounds such as civil society organisations, activists and community leaders, for Civic Courage trainings. These trainings are designed to establish a safe space of contact among groups that are directly and negatively affected by different types of discrimination and people that are not affected directly. The latter are trained to reduce prejudice and bias against marginalised groups in the communities they live in, as well as practising everyday civic courage. At the same time, participants facing discriminatory practices and incidents in rural communities will be empowered spaces for inclusion created together.

Over the coming months, the consortium will work towards the designing and testing of the trainings before starting to offer them to the communities.

ACCT is an EU-funded project engaging with the priority of the CERV Call “Fighting against intolerance, racism, xenophobia, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes”.

The consortium for ACCT consists of:

  • Comparative Research Network (Berlin, Germany)
  • Perspekt Initiative (Hamburg, Germany)
  • Crossing Borders (Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Imagina (Álora, Spain)
  • Stowarzyszenie “Dla Ziemi” (Bratnik, Poland)
  • Association on Refugees & Migrants- Bulgaria (Sofia, Bulgaria)

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