ACCT Poster Competition

The ACCT (Anti-Racism & Civic Courage Training) project is excited to announce the launch of a new poster competition as a part of our awareness campaign aimed at promoting diversity and fighting against racism, xenophobia, and discrimination in both urban and rural areas throughout the EU. The competition invites individuals from all walks of life to share their vision of a more inclusive and equal society by submitting creative and impactful posters. You can create and submit posters that showcase your vision of fighting against racism, xenophobia, and discrimination. The deadline for submissions is the 31st of August 2023. Following the evaluation and selection process, the top posters will be chosen and included in the ACCT Awareness Campaign. The campaign will utilize a mix of media channels, including social media, newsletters, print media (posters/leaflets), and a visual campaign on public transportation in Denmark & Germany, aiming to reach a total of 600,000 people both online and offline. To participate in the competition, individuals can submit their poster designs in digital format on our submission page , by sending us an email to or by sharing your submissions on your social media platforms using the designated hashtags (#ACCTpostercampaign #ACCT #CivicCourage #antiracism #nohate)and tagging the partner organizations. The selected posters will be announced on the 1st of  October 2023, and the top winners will have their Social Media handle(s) name & social media handles (if desired) included in the dissemination campaign, AND WIN A TRIP to our final ACCT training to engage with our work hands-on! These posters will also be available for download via our website to be shared by users. For more information on the competition rules, guidelines, and how to participate, please visit our submission page , or any of the participating organizations social media platforms.

ACCT Poster Competition