Project Results
Here you can see how ACCT employs a comprehensive and intersectional methodology, along with targeted measures, to combat and prevent intolerance, racism, xenophobia, and discrimination.
We have provided, for your use, both a comprehensive training guide for facilitators to perform workshops on Anti-Racism and Civic Courage and an online platform that individuals or groups can do wherever they have access to a phone or computer. We hope these tools are as useful for you as they have been in our 5 locations.
If you are interested in our methodology and how to implement it in your communities, we have three comprehensive reports available.

ACCT Online Training
The ACCT Online Training is an interactive platform that contains online exercises. It is meant for learners of all ages and includes modules on understanding privilege, recognizing biases, examining systemic racism, promoting allyship, and fostering civic courage. Use it at home, in your classroom, or at your workplace. Join the training now!

Development Plan
The ACCT Development Plan is a step-by-step comprehensive guide explaining how the ACCT Project has established all its methods and results. This report gives an overview of these development phases, the outcomes and the way they strategically build upon each other to create the ACCT curriculum and lead to the implementation of five local trainings.
Manual for Facilitators

ACCT Curriculum – Manual for Facilitators
A comprehensive four-day educational training guide on anti-racist and anti-discriminatory education. It is designed to equip workshop facilitators and learners with the necessary tools and knowledge to foster environments that promote anti-discrimination and civic courage.

ACCT Curriculum – Manual for Facilitators
Danish Translation

ACCT Curriculum – Manual for Facilitators
Spanish Translation

ACCT Curriculum – Manual for Facilitators
German Translation

ACCT Curriculum – Manual for Facilitators
Bulgarian Translation

ACCT Curriculum – Manual for Facilitators
Polish Translation

ACCT Handbook
The Handbook is the result of two years of ACCT project.
It contains a needs assessment, from which we analyzed the needs for the
project, the Curriculum with all instructions and exercises to raise
awareness on anti-discrimination, anti-racism & civic courage and a
reflective part on our work, called evaluation and policy
recommendations, which entails future possible developments.

ACCT Handbook
Danish Translation

ACCT Handbook
Spanish Translation

ACCT Handbook
German Translation

ACCT Handbook
Bulgarian Translation

ACCT Handbook
Polish Translation

Local Assessments Report
This report served as the initial assessment of the ACCT partner localities (Berlin, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Sofia, and Lublin). It provides an overview of the partnership’s status quo on issues related to discrimination relevant in the localities, anti-racist practices and methods applied, affiliated partners and stakeholders involved in actions addressing issues related to discrimination, and target groups for ant-racist interventions.

Research & Evaluation Report
The ACCT Research & Evaluation Report contains the compiled research on needs, practices and impact collected during the project, as well as policy recommendations.

Conferences Report
This ACCT Conferences Report explains the process of engaging with local civil society actors and European policy makers for two events in Berlin and Copenhagen respectively. Read more to find out about the outcomes